BlockWise Services Ltd is here to provide a high-quality Artificial Breeding Technician (AI) mating service to our block farmers in the United Kingdom.
We have been involved in providing New Zealand AI Technicians for over 6 years across the UK and have strong relationships with local farmers and our specialized technicians.
AI Technician Service:
Our AI Technicians are available April through August each year and come off the back of the busy New Zealand spring mating season.
With the New Zealand AI Technician service being monitored to the highest of standards across the global industry, and our AI Technicians completing on average 6500 inseminations in a 12-week block, you can rest assured that they are experts in block mating.
Industry Advice:
Our Wise analysis reports are great tools to help you assess your herd performance to identify key areas to focus on, this will help you get the best cows in calf year upon year.
Our industry best practice mentoring and training has enabled AI Technician service and DIY farmers to lift their reproductive performance on farm.
At BlockWise Services Ltd, our mission is to provide the highest quality, fully independent, artificial breeding service, education, and ongoing support, to ensure sustainability for our agricultural partners now and into the future.